Oak Wellness

Phone:  07849908343

The concept of holistic healing supports the whole meaning of Oak Wellness. I concentrate on rebuilding and supporting an individual's well-being working from the energies within to the surface of the body. This means focusing on the physical elements of any conditions alongside working on the chakra energies. Cancer, dementia and any other life limiting conditions are a huge focus here, alongside mental health conditions. 

Within the studio you can receive a variety of treatments including Facial Reflexology the Ziggie Bergman method to massage and this September I am Launching a Brand new Professional Skin Care range with Light Therapy treatments to provide next level Facials. 

Any guest or Staff of Far peak will be able to receive fantastic offers. We also pride ourselves in supporting all Key workers and NHS Staff with discounts too. 

All Booking enquiries and arranging appointments can be done via emails, WhatsApp, text or phone call. Or you can simply book online via the Website.

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